Monday, April 19, 2010

09/10 Season Highlight Reel...Fast Forwarded's been a while since I last updated this...Shall we do a highlight reel of the last few months? Actually, lets fast forward it.
The rest of worlds: Eye opening. The other racers were like speedboats...I was a canoe. It was a great experience, and I think the team had a good time. With the exception of the disease that ripped through the team hitting almost all of us in some way or another we were in pretty good spirits. Unfortunately our disease made it impossible to ever find an empty bathroom in "The Ward" as our floor was known. After a disastrous trip home (missed connections, barfing teammates, you know, the usual), we all eventually made it home...where we all immediately left again to go race somewhere else.
The rest of the nor-am circuit: Lets see...Lake Placid...wait that's all. It was good. Shot pretty well, saw everyone...
highlights: crepes, animal crackers, sugar on snow, and giant peanut butter cups
Canadian Nationals: New ski boots! Had really good races, really good shooting, and some pretty sweet results. Lemme think...anything else? Oh yeah, apparently I'm not Canadian anymore.
US Nationals: Never happened. I have no idea what you are talking about.
Last ski of the year: Weekend before Easter. Record is still April 26.
University Search: Finally finished the applications which surprisingly didn't kill me. I also actually got into university, which considering my high school attendance record is a miracle.
It's been a long season. Cant wait till the next. In the meantime, you get to hear about swimming! Yay, swimming!