Thursday, September 15, 2011

I was recently reminded that I do in fact have a blog, so I decided that maybe it was time to update it. You may have noticed my habit of updating consistently for a few weeks before forgetting again for a few months. I'll try to be better! (Do I say that every time?)

For the most part life has been normal. My summer was awesome regardless of the number of times I burned myself on the pizza oven. I worked in a restaurant for the summer, and the 600 degree oven and I had our disagreements. Other than that life was a normal mix of work, life, and training.

I'll admit, the training was a little iffy for the most part, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Unfortunately the foot pain I started experiencing last November wasn't getting any better. After ages of attempting to get an appointment with a local sports doc, I finally saw him in late August. In 30 minutes I was walking out with zero foot pain.

The problem? A cyst that had grown (allegedly) inside the nerve on the top of my foot. The solution? I don't really know... there were a lot of needles involved and I didn't look. I know that one of the needles was cortisone, and that is all that I can tell you.

Due to this the training was a little iffy, but I managed to get a moderate amount in. Now I'm back at SMC where studying and training are in full swing. Its back to Jericho and the lovely roads of St. Albans.

I'll try to keep you posted on how its going. Cheers for now.