Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Holy Holographic Skis Batman!

If I had to pick one word to describe the ski conditions on the trails this morning, I would choose soft. The trails felt more like they were covered in quick sand than snow. This morning's interval workout was a beast, and by the time we got back to the house all I wanted to do was sleep. I managed to drag myself down to lunch where we had yet another (delicious) traditional Czech meal. This time it was dumplings filled with fruit. They were so filling that we all immediately fell into a food coma.

The only thing that could get us back on our feet? The opportunity to go see a ski factory! We got to tour the Sporten ski factory. It was so cool, we got to see how skis go from a piece of wood to a ski, or in some cases a fiberglass mold to a ski. We also got to all the different designs they put on their skis over here. For only $5 you can personalize your skis! You can have your picture and name put on them! They look so unique. There were also holographic skis! I have decided that N. American nordic skis are really boring.

After our ski factory adventure Tara and I crashed for a while before jogging into town in search of coffee and pastries. We found amazing cappuccinos and Czech goodies, then headed back to the house where we have been just chilling ever since.

Tomorrow is the start of official unofficial training,which means time to get my rifle through media control. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that my rifle passes!

P.S. I'll put up photos of the ski factory later, since I still have to steal them from one of the boys cameras.


  1. Hey,
    It's Gabbi from Alpine!
    When do you get back to the states? I'm working on some story pitches for my journalism classes and you going to worlds would be a good one :) thanks and good luck! We are all rooting for you back here!


  2. I fly in late on the 6th of February.
